Creating better work experiences and workplaces for Black women

Learn how to boost your confidence, career, and coins!

  • We make bold leaders.

    Coaching high performers who want to increase their influence, impact and income.

  • We build community.

    Connecting women through candid conversations about the unique challenges Black women face while navigating their careers.

  • We advance Black talent.

    Partnering with employers to bring equity into their talent development strategy.

Trusted by some amazing women

  • Amanda, Account Executive

    “This coaching experience was life-changing! My self-esteem improved so much. I was able to have honest conversations with my manager about my workload, which was huge because this made me uncomfortable in the past.”

  • Ayanna, Project Manager

    “Working with Shanae was game changing! I was stuck in a job I hated and coaching gave me the clarity and confidence to switch careers. I’m now in Tech where I’m making more money than I ever thought was possible!”

  • Alisha, Director of Strategy

    “I was struggling with gaining the respect of my co-workers. The best part of my coaching is realizing that I didn’t have to tolerate it. I’m now working in a career and environment I love and that allows my skills to flourish.”